About Us

Barry and I met our first ferret running loose in a pet store in 1986. Barry was very interested in him, but I didn't want anything to do with "that creature!" Until one summer day I stopped in at the local pet store in the mall. There was the "cutest" little bundle of fur that later became known as Maximillian. Max lived with us until he passed away at 8 months of age. Like a lot of new ferret owners, I did everything wrong in taking care of poor little Max. Sadly he passed away at my "then" vet's office the morning that he was to come home after a 10-day stay!

I couldn't bear being without ferrets, so a few days before Christmas in 1987 I happened to stop by the pet store and there was Tobi, a 5-month old unaltered Black Roan Mitt. Thus, the saga of ferrets in our household began in earnest! Many, many ferrets later we decided to start our own ferret business (no pun intended) and here we are at Kritter Koncepts!

We hope you enjoy your visit and that your ferrets will be very happy with all the items we have selected for them!